Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Daily Talks, Feeds and Activities!

To The Beach!

Summer 2016

There is so much to do this summer holidays at Bristol Aquarium. Check out our itinerary of talks, feeds and activities to keep you and your little tadpoles entertained.
Remember – your tickets allow you to come and go all day on the day of your purchase so you can get involved with as much as you like!
10:45 – You Feed the Fish
Help us give our Malawi Cichlids their breakfast!
Location: Top of the ramp in the first Botanic House
11.00 – Fish Food Feast*
We all love Fish and Chips by the seaside, but what do we feed our fish here at the aquarium? Learn more and see us preparing some of their favourite foods!
Location: Learning Lab, on the first floor
11:30 – TALK & FEED: Coral Reef
Witness a feeding frenzy close up as we feed our fish in the coral seas.
Location: Top of the Tropical Coral Tank, first floor, just past the Learning Lab
12:00 – Rockpool Explorer
Everyone loves rockpooling at the seaside – learn about the do’s and don’ts and what to look for! Learn how to make sure you stay safe on the beach!
Location: Learning Lab, on the first floor
13:00 – TALK & FEED: Bay Of Rays
Enjoy close encounters with these graceful fish and learn all about their environment.
Location: Open top tank, in the first Botanic House
14:00-14.45 – Make a Jellyfish!*
As Dory says – “I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy!” Craft your own souvenir jellyfish to take home!
Location: Learning Lab, on the first floor
14:30 – TALK & FEED: Amazon River (Tue, Thu, Sat) – OR – Seahorse (Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun)
Our aquarists will be feeding either our awesome Amazon animals including our turtles, or our graceful big bellied seahorses – make sure you come along!
Locations: Amazon: Bottom of the ramp, second botanic house. Seahorse: Seahorse Bubble, First Floor
15.00 – Mini Beach Clean
Come and play beach detective! What items can you find and should they be there? Great for kids – big and small!
Location: Next to our Beach in the Main Foyer
16.00 – TALK & FEED: Shark (Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun) – OR – Native (Mon, Wed, Fri)
See our aquarists feed one of our two largest tanks – 250,000 and 350,000 litres – Join us for our Shark or Native talk and feed.
Locations: Shark: Top of the Tropical Coral Tank, first floor, just past the Learning Lab. Native: Top of the tank in our Bristol Harbourside Display, first floor
16.30 – Crabby Crustaceans
Learn more about crabs, lobsters and crayfish! Get hands on with some real moults and learn about our own crustacean characters here at the aquarium!
Location: Bay of Rays, first botanic house
17.15 – Behind the Scenes Mini Tour
How do we keep our tanks clean? How does the water get here? Find the answers to this and more!
Location: Bottom of the ramp, second botanic house


On Monday 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 August we also welcome Tamara the mermaid! Tamara will be here to tell stories of life under the sea, come and pose for a photo and make a mermaid for a friend!
Appearances 11.00am – 4.00pm
Storytelling Times at 10.45am, 12.15pm and 3.30pm

Location: Bay of Rays, first Botanic House
Please know that Tamara is taking a break from the water to meet you so won’t be swimming in the tanks.
On Wednesday 10, 17, 24, & 31 August Shipwrecked Sid will be here to whisk you away with tall tales of the high seas!
Storytelling Times at 10.45am, 1.30pm and 3.15pm (duration usually 30mins)
Location: Learning Lab, on the first floor
*When Shipwrecked Sid is visiting we won’t be running ‘Fish Food Feast’ because there will be a storytelling session. And during the 2pm craft session you can make a pirate ship instead!
Buy your tickets online with a 15% discount here

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