A day out with friends and family is all about creating memories to look back on for years to come. During these experiences, we remember the sights, smells, sounds and emotions of the day.
Some people need calmer environments to properly concentrate on each of these senses and turn them into memories, which is why we’ve created specific days aimed at providing relaxing sensory experiences for all.
In this blog, we’ll detail what sensory experiences are, their benefits, and what Bristol Aquarium is doing to make them a reality at our aquarium.
What are our senses?
Our senses are biological sensations that help us to process the information around us. There are 7 main senses:

Even though these senses help us to make sense of the world around us, too many of these senses at once can lead to sensory overload, which can cause distress or discomfort for those experiencing it, usually those with neurodivergent conditions such as ADHD or autism.
We want as many people as possible to experience the wonder of marine life at Bristol Aquarium so we cater certain days to those who are likely to experience sensory overload.
What do we hope to achieve from offering a calm sensory experience?

A calm sensory experience is the gentle melding of the senses into one experience that not only allows people to develop a deeper connection with nature but also provides the framework for longer-lasting, stronger memories by allowing people to take in the smell of the salt water, the sight of the animals and the gentle noise of the water.
Calm sensory experiences don’t just help those experiencing sensory overload, they can also allow others to slow down and explore creativity and curiosity in a safe space.
What are Even Calmer Days at Bristol Aquarium?
At Bristol Aquarium, we’ve taken the time to implement dedicated days for relaxing sensory experiences for customers who may need them. We’ve called these days Even Calmer Days because our aquarium is usually a very serene environment any day of the week, but we’ve gone above and beyond to create a more relaxing sensory experience by turning off music and children’s rides, alongside increasing our lighting in some of our darker areas to create a more consistent sensory journey.
Even Calmer Days open at 10 am and close at 6 pm, with a last entry of 5 pm.
For more information on which days are designated as Even Calmer Days, take a look at our Accessibility page.
Our aquarium is full of some beautifully peaceful creatures such as the short snouted seahorse, which is one of the slowest animals in the ocean because they aren’t great swimmers! Just like the the interestingly shaped starfish which doesn’t swim at all.
Benefits of interacting with animals

We want to get as many people in our aquariums to experience the vast benefits of interacting with animals.
Interacting with calming animals helps to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing feel-good hormones. As well as this, it can also improve mood by giving a sense of social support, even if animals can’t talk back to you, they can definitely listen!
But it’s not just the animals that you’ll bond with, animals act as a great social glue for those who share the day together at Bristol Aquarium, helping to make lifelong memories with peers and families.
Our Even Calmer Days aim to improve the experiences of people who experience sensory overload through a relaxed atmosphere compared to a typical day at Bristol Aquarium.
If you’d like to experience an Even Calmer Day at Bristol Aquarium, check out the designated days on our Accessibility page and book your tickets now.