Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

There are so many simple ways we can reduce our impact on the environment. Each may seem so small, but if lots of people make even a few good changes it’ll cumulatively have a wonderfully positive impact on the natural world.

We need to work together to conserve our world, not just for the animals that we share it with, but for our future generations too!

Take a look at some of the small actions you can do in the list below. This list is by no means the extent to the changes that you can make, so we hope this may inspire you to think about your impact and how it can be reduced.

Buying Responsibly

Think carefully about where you buy things from and what choices you can make that will have a lesser impact on the environment.

  • Shop locally, by getting your vegetables from a green grocers they’ll not only taste better and have more nutrition, but they will have often travelled less to be on your plate!
  • Buy foods seasonally. We’re incredibly lucky to be able to buy foods completely out of season, but try to avoid this where you can. Locally grown foods taste better and have more nutrition because they have taken less to reach you – make this most of each local fruit and vegetable season!
  • Consider buying second hand. Clothes, toys and household decorations are often for sale second hand either online or at your local charity shop. Grab yourself a bargain and reduce your environmental impact at the same time!
  • When purchasing meat and fish products, check the labels. Make sure they’re responsibility sourced – you have so much power as a consumer so use it and say no to those that have a negative impact on the environment. If we all talk with our money and boycott bad brands, they’ll soon get the message and seek more sustainable techniques to maintain custom.
  • If you’re purchasing a new animal to keep – do your research and only buy a species you can care for. Whether its a dog, a cat or a tropical fish – you need to thoroughly research how to care for them, the ongoing finances, how much space they’ll need once fully grown, how much time you’ll need to dedicate to them and how long they will live. If you take on a pet, they’re your responsibility for their whole life!

Reducing Waste

Everything made takes energy, whether that’s the food in our cupboards or the clothes on our backs. Each item will have taken energy to grow, make, package and transport – so don’t waste it!

  • Only buy what you need to eat. If you plan your meals in advance and buy only what you need there will be less wastage at the end of the week.
  • Get creative. Whether that’s with some wacky recipes to use what’s left over in fridge or a way of re-using packaging or old clothes. How about some arts and crafts with the children or keep the family pet entertained with them?
  • Turn off lights that are not being used and turn down the heating if you can wear a jumper and some woolly socks – these small habits will not only reduce your energy bills, but they’ll help relieve the additional strain we’re putting on the environment to harbour them in the first place.
  • Buy less. Even if you really like that new pair of shoes, are you really going to wear them? Every purchase we make, not only dents our wallets but also impacts the environment. Try to keep your items for longer and get the best out of them before moving on to something new.
  • Only buy items that have reasonable packaging. If there are unwrapped fruits, always choose these and say no to too much packaging whenever possible.
  • Don’t forget your bags! A great way to remember is to always keep some in the car or by the door so they’re there in front of you.
  • Donate items you no longer need to others. You can re-sell them online or donate them to your local charity shop – either way it gives them a second life, reducing the need for more new things to be made and reducing waste.
  • Recycle! Anything you cannot re-use, try your best to recycle it. Anything that is thrown into your general waste goes to landfill sites, taking years to decompose and letting off harmful gases too.

Do something good!

Whether its volunteering with a local charity or just simply picking up some rubbish while you’re on a walk, there are so many little things we can each do that will have a huge impact on our environment.

  • Do a beach clean! When you next visit the beach, take just 3minutes to do a quick beach clean, you’ll be surprised by what you might find. Any plastic that gets washed into the ocean becomes a ‘micro plastic’, meaning it breaks up into tiny, microscopic pieces and it engulfed by animals, becoming lodged in their stomachs and causing serious problems.
  • It’s not just on the beach that needs our help, anywhere you see rubbish they will often inevitably end up in a waterway somewhere as it gets carried by the wind. Make yourself feel good, make your local area look good and save wildlife by picking up rubbish you see.
  • Volunteer with a charity. There are so many charities that rely on volunteers to complete their charitable objectives. If a charity resonates with you, give them some of your time. It’s great experience, you’ll often meet some wonderful new people and you’ll undoubtedly feel great about it!
  • Do a fundraiser. Often charities rely on generosity of people, so do something good and host a fundraiser to contribute valuable funds they need to continue their work.

Conservation Charities

Check out the different conservation charities we support and see what else you can learn!

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