Cichlids (pronounced sick-lids) are a diverse group of fish found around the world. Cichlids from Lake Malawi, such as the saulosi cichlids that we have in our aquarium, in Africa have diversified throughout the lake to branch off into different species – this process is called speciation. Each species thrives in its own location within the lake, with yellow-coloured cichlids thriving in the shallow sandier areas, the blue-coloured cichlids thriving in the open waters, and the darker grey-coloured cichlids thriving in the rocky parts.
Most of these species are mouth brooders which means that the parent keeps the eggs in their mouth until they are ready to hatch, as a form of protection.
What do they eat?
Small snails, invertebrates and plant material
Various, around 10cm
Water Type
Tropical freshwater
Where are we?
Lake Malawi, Africa
See Us At
Rocky Shores