Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Cluster of Starfish Spawn on Display

Hundreds of tiny orange starfish eggs have been laid at Bristol Aquarium and the fascinating cluster can be seen by visitors in the nursery display tanks. The 200 or so eggs will remain almost microscopic until they undergo metamorphosis into small starfish when visitors will be able to spot their five legs in about 12 … Continued


BABY SHARK BOOM AT BRISTOL AQUARIUM Aquarists at Bristol Aquarium are celebrating after the birth of 26 baby sharks, with more due to hatch out soon. The tiny sharks, members of the native catshark family, are thriving in a special nursery tank at the aquarium – safely away from the attentions of their larger cousins – … Continued

Aquarium Developments

Winter Maintenance Work at Bristol Aquarium *We are pleased to announce this work has now been completed, to read about the project and see pictures please click here!* We are embarking on some major renovation work to our large native marine display over the winter. The work is part of our ongoing improvement programme for … Continued


Aquarists at Bristol Aquarium have created special ‘passports’ for each of their resident turtles. The move comes after a recent growth in the number of incidents where turtles and tortoises have either been taken from, or dumped at, wildlife attractions across the country. In the past a number of freshwater turtles have been smuggled in … Continued


Aquarists at Bristol Aquarium, are celebrating after the birth of a baby shark, with more due to hatch out soon. The tiny shark, a member of the native catshark family, is thriving in a special nursery tank at the aquarium – safely away from the attentions of its larger cousins. The tiny Lesser Spotted Catshark … Continued


Bristol Aquarium is awash with dozens of jellyfish as part of a captive breeding programme for the mysterious ocean wanderers. The horde of moon jellyfish, the collective term is a ‘smack’, are part of a breeding programme for the marine predators – famed for their stinging tentacles. Moon jellyfish get their name from the four … Continued

Bumper haul as Aquarium diver collects 600 shark eggs

A marine biologist has collected around 600 shark eggs in a single dive at Bristol Aquarium. Displays Supervisor Olivia Orchart took the plunge to collect the egg-cases from the Harbourside attraction’s giant shipwreck display. Olivia Orchart, collecting shark eggs in the tank at Bristol Aquarium It’s by far the largest single haul of egg-cases ever … Continued

Special Delivery as Male Pipefish Gives Birth

Keepers at Bristol Aquarium are celebrating the arrival of dozens of baby pipefish following an unexpected breeding boom. More than 50 tiny, five-centimetre-long broadnose pipefish babies have already been born at the Harbourside attraction with potentially hundreds more due imminently. The newborns are being looked after in one of the aquarium’s special nursery displays and … Continued

World’s rarest sea turtle rehab

World’s rarest sea turtle treated at Bristol Aquarium  ——————————————————————————————- 26/12/15 – sad news We are saddened to report that the rare Kemps Ridley turtle which washed up on the Welsh Coast last week, has lost the fight for her life. Despite the best efforts of our rehabilitation team assisted by vets and turtle experts, the turtle was … Continued

Father builds nest

Visitors to Bristol Aquarium are being treated to the unique experience of seeing a fish building an underwater nest. Just like their wild counterparts the Harbourside attraction’s native fifteen-spined sticklebacks have begun breeding this month. Following a complicated mating ritual, the male stickleback began to build an underwater nest made from seaweed. At Bristol the … Continued

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