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New pajama cardinalfish settle in at Bristol Aquarium this January

As we snuggle down in our favourite pyjamas this January, Bristol Aquarium have welcomed a new school of pajama cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) who have settled well into their new home.
These peaceful cardinalfish are a rainbow of playful colours, with orange eyes and polka-dots, they live in warm saltwater among the corals.

Tamara Canalejas, an Aquarist at Bristol Aquarium said: “these small beauties are a pleasure to keep at the Aquarium, whilst they do display a social hierarchy they are always very friendly to one another.
Tamara added: “we felt they would be the perfect addition, not least because of their attractive colours, but also because their name is quite fitting whilst we all snuggle down in our pyjamas this winter!”
Incredibly, pajama cardinalfish are mouth brooders, where the males will incubate up to 8000 eggs in their mouths for eight days until they hatch.
Pajama cardinalfish are from the Pacific Ocean and will grow to be around 8cm. A school of six of these colourful fish can be found in the Coral Seas zone of Bristol Aquarium, living alongside some lined seahorses.
Bristol Aquarium is made up of seven themed zones and is home to thousands of aquatic creatures, located on Bristol’s harbourside, right in the heart of the city.
Bristol Aquarium, Anchor Road, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5TT. Open 10am daily (everyday except Christmas Day). Call 0117 929 8929, visit other pages on our website or find us on Facebook for more details.

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