Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

These Happy Sea Creatures Will Make You Smile

All sea creatures are happiest hanging out in their underwater habitats, whether that’s surrounded by coral reef, the ‘rainforest’ of the ocean, or chilling out in the sandy shallows. But the natural world can create some pretty extraordinary moments like a Stingray swimming along with a massive grin.
So to lift your mood this September, we thought we’d share our favourite happy marine animals that are guaranteed to make you smile.
This beaming stingray…

Check out this little ray of sunshine! Although you wouldn’t guess it from her flat-bodied frame and long swishy tail, rays are actually related to the shark. They’re some of the most unusual looking fish in the ocean, but that doesn’t stop them from cracking a smile. With approximately 480 species in the ocean, rays use their wings to glide through the water and hunt their prey. With their cute little grins, you’d expect rays to be pretty sociable swimmers, but actually they prefer going solo, and living on their own. 
Want to learn more? Check out our life of rays guide.
This toothy Parrotfish…

With eye-catching colours and a beak-shaped nose, it’s obvious where Parrotfish get their name. But, it’s their toothy grin that we love the most. 
Their parrot-like beak is created by a large number of teeth tightly packed onto the outside of their jaw and gives the impression that these happy chaps are always smiling. Want to spot one in the wild? You can find these unusual looking fish swimming in shallow tropical waters. 
This grinning turtle…

This smiley swimmer has a hard upper shell that protects him from predators. It’s like having your very own shield which you can use whenever you might be under attack! Pretty handy, right? 
Turtles have existed for around 215 million years, and they love spending most of their time underwater. With webbed feet to help them move around, you can find them in living in almost every ocean across the globe, and nesting on tropical and sub-tropical beaches.
This cheerful catfish… 

Cat lover? We’d recommend saying hello to our catfish next time you’re visiting Bristol Aquarium. With super long barbels growing around their mouth… or should we say whiskers, you can see how these quirky looking creatures are compared to furry feline pets. Did you know, catfish can range massively in size with the smallest species growing a tiny 0.39 inches in length, whilst the largest can reach almost 9ft. 
This chipper pufferfish…

You can’t get much sweeter than this smiling pufferfish, right? With their big innocent eyes, tiny round head, and graceful swimming style, it’s not hard to love these underwater cuties. But don’t let that fool you, if pufferfish feel under threat, they turn very deadly. So deadly in fact, that they’re one of the most poisonous species on the planet. There are over 150 known species of pufferfish, and you can find them swimming around the coasts of the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 
Make the most of September with a trip to Bristol Aquarium! Get your tickets here, and remember, you can save 10% when you buy online.

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