Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Our new Fish Cam series has landed!

The Fish Cam has landed in our Coral Seas Tunnel!

As you’re being mesmerized by the beautiful array of creatures swimming over your head, it’s sometimes easy to miss the finer details.

What is the Fish Cam series?

The Fish Cam series is a new video film series that hopes to highlight the fish in the Aquarium that are often overlooked. This video below was filmed in the Ocean Tunnel in our Coral Seas Exhibit.

How many fish can you spot?

Where was this Fish Cam filmed?

Our Coral Seas display is the centerpiece of the Aquarium. This spectacular display themed on a warm water coral reef provides an awe-inspiring home to over 250 marine animals!

At over 250,000 liters this massive display is where our Cownose Rays can be found patrolling the reef alongside cleaner wrasse, eels, oriental sweetlips, soldierfish, and numerous other colourful species.

And of course, the reef wouldn’t be complete without Nemo and Dory!

You’ll get to witness the heart of a coral reef filled with colourful sea anemones and corals. There’s also a special floor-to-ceiling viewing window at the end of the tunnel. Spot the pufferfish, rays, eels and tropical fish who all call this reef home.

We’re hoping the introduction of our Fish Cam will help guests see a range of animals that they may normally miss on their visits.

Come and join us for the Easter holidays as we embark on our Prehistoric Sealife adventure! We’re taking visitors back in time to learn all about the ancient rulers of the sea.

Book your tickets here!

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