Bristol Aquarium is sad to report its resident Californian Leopard Shark, Georgie has passed away this week.
The Leopard Shark (Triakis semifasciata) was 1.5metre long, and a popular tropical shark to the Aquarium’s staff, members and daily visitors.
Georgie, as she was known, was sadly euthanised this week after her health had begun to deteriorate. This was a difficult decision, but one that Bristol Aquarium experts and specialised vet felt had to be made for the interest of Georgie’s comfort.
This incredible shark had lived at Bristol Aquarium since it was opened 10years ago.
Leopard Sharks have distinctive black and brown patterns, hence their common name, so Georgie could be easily spotted swimming around the Aquarium’s large tropical display.
We are all very sad to lose this much loved shark. Georgie was such a beautiful, graceful animal and will be missed by staff and visitors alike.