Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

National Animal and Environmental Days You Should Know

The calendar is filled with national awareness days, and days to celebrate or raise awareness of certain causes – some of which you are probably already familiar with. However, there are some national days that are of particular interest to us because they relate to animals, sea creatures and looking after our planet’s resources!

From World Wildlife Day to Global Recycling Day, these are the national animal or national environmental days you should put in your calendar.


Energy Savers Week

Energy Savers Week usually occurs around the middle of January, and is designed to help you be a little more energy efficient. It comes from a partnership with Energy Saving Trust and Citizens Advice, delivering helpful advice to save energy while keeping warm.

This is such an important week to be more aware of how much energy you’re using and the impact it could be having on the environment. By making just a few little changes, you could really make a difference to your carbon footprint. What’s more, with energy costs rising, it’s never been handier to learn how to manage energy bills more efficiently!


World Wetlands Day

Every year on the 2nd February, World Wetlands Day takes place. This is a day dedicated to the appreciation and understanding of wetland environments, which play a vital role in our ecosystems. Wetlands typically include marshes, swamps and floodplains that are essential for absorbing excess rainfall and generally providing a natural buffer against climate change.

Wetlands are also home to a multitude of wildlife, enhancing the importance of looking after our world’s wetlands and preserving this particular ecosystem. There are a number of things you can do to help the world’s flora and fauna, including planting new shrubs and tree, reducing your energy usage and recycle your rubbish.


Global Recycling Day

Global Recycling Day occurs every year on the 18th March, encouraging us to be more proactive when it comes to recycling or even reusing our used materials. The day was first introduced in 2018 to ask people across the world to make a bigger effort to recycle.

Creating an environmentally stable and greener planet is at the forefront of many people’s minds, with climate change continuing to have a huge impact on the world’s wildlife and ecosystems. Being more aware of what and how you can recycle can be a positive step forward to achieving a more sustainable world.

Spring equinox

It’s the first day of spring every year on 20th March, signalling a new beginning when it comes to longer days and new life, including plants, insects and other wildlife. It’s the perfect time to get out and explore your local area, and gain a newfound appreciation for nature.

When it comes to celebrating the spring equinox, there’s plenty you can do, such as taking part in some spring cleaning or recycling unwanted items. It’s also the perfect time to learn how you can help local wildlife.


Community garden week

At the beginning of the month, community garden week celebrates the community and school gardens across the country. Not only does this highlight the beauty of revitalising urban areas with greenery and flowers, but it also plays a role in making areas more environmentally-friendly too. Planting flowers and other such actions can be crucial for bees and birds, and doing this in an otherwise built-up area can be really important for sustaining local wildlife.


World Penguin Day  

Every year on 25th April, it’s time to celebrate and learn more about penguins! These distinctive birds are incredibly adapted to aquatic life, and World Penguin Day marks the start of the Adélie penguins’ migration journey.

Many species of penguin have been identified as vulnerable or endangered by the IUCN, and as many penguins spend the majority of their lives out at sea, it’s important that we are aware of the threats to this animal including overfishing and plastic pollution.

Save the Frogs Day

28th April is otherwise known as Save the Frogs Day.  Almost a third of amphibian species are threatened around the world, and this day of awareness is designed to encourage people to be more mindful of how we can protect and preserve the future of these incredible creatures. Here at Bristol Aquarium we have successfully bred our own endangered frogs in our own conservation efforts. Come and see our poison dart frogs at our Edge of the Rainforest exhibit.


World Turtle Day

Every year on the 23rd May is World Turtle Day! It was first launched in 2000 and recognises some of the ways in which people can help to look after their habitats and preserve their resources. This yearly observance is important as it raises awareness on the disappearing habitats of both turtles and tortoises, as many species are under threat.

There’s a whole host of things you can do to help slow down climate change and reduce the impact on the turtles’ habitat. This can include reducing your plastic usage, as well as eating more local produce. You could also change the way you travel, by taking public transport more often, or walking and cycling.


Garden wildlife week

Typically occurring during the first week of June, garden wildlife week serves as an opportunity to celebrate these ecosystems and helping our gardens to flourish. One of the key themes during this week is biodiversity, with the purpose of the week to encourage people to get outdoors and help nature.

Why not try making your own bird feeder to offer a source of food for your local birds, or recycle rubbish from around the house to make a bug hotel?

World Environment Day

Sponsored by the United Nations, World Environment Day falls on 5th June every year with a varying theme to help people focus on different elements of the environment. The aim of World Environment Day is to encourage action to protect ecosystems around the world. It’s been held annually since the 1970s, and typically urges people to beat plastic pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

World Ocean Day

Every year on 8th June, World Ocean Day serves to raise awareness of the threats to our blue planet. The movement aims to persuade leader and legislators to accelerate the move towards renewable energy, phasing out single use plastics and making a bigger effort to protect and restore the ecosystems that occur in our world’s oceans.

It’s the perfect opportunity to do your bit for the world’s oceans, from conserving water to using less energy.


National Marine Week

Sponsored by The Wildlife Trusts, National Marine Week aims to help people learn more about our seas and just how much we owe to our world’s marine environments. Not only do marine areas have a huge impact on the environment as a whole, but they are key to tackling climate change too.

National Marine Week occurs towards the end of July, and encourages people to get involved in activities like beach cleans, conserve water and use less plastic.


Great British Beach Clean

Occurring towards the end of September,  the Great British Beach Clean is designed to help people get actively involved in a beach clean in their local area. Not only does this help to look after local wildlife, but it can help to campaign for change too. You can either get involved in an event near you, or organise your own beach clean!

The data collected from beach clean events can be vital in helping organisations drive positive change up and down the country.   


World Habitat Day

Another one organised by the United Nations, World Habitat Day falls on the first Monday of October every year. This gives people the opportunity to reflect on the state of the world’s habitats. While in some cases the event has focused on human habitats, there’s no reason why we can’t also pay attention to the habitats of animals, most of which are at risk thanks to climate change and pollution.

Reptile Awareness Day

When it comes to animal welfare, reptiles are usually the forgotten species. On 21st October every year, it’s reptile awareness day to raise awareness of the incredible families of reptiles. This is a perfect opportunity to learn more about reptiles and what you can do to help protect the vast number of species, whether it’s being more aware of the threats to their habitats or something else!

Recycle Week

Recycle Week happens towards the end of October, with each year focusing on a specific angle when it comes to better recycling habits. The week has been going for over 20 years, inspiring people to take even more action when it comes to recycling and reusing household items. Some of the UK’s biggest brands regularly get involved, including supermarkets.


Oceans of Plastic Day

Oceans of Plastic Day is an annual event every November, shining the spotlight on the harmful impact of plastic pollution of marine life and ecosystems. It’s a time to reflect and make sure that you’re doing your part to reduce plastic use and waste, from using reusable materials. It’s a vital awareness day to help preserve the future of our world’s oceans and the animals that call it home.


International Volunteer Day

Every year on 5th December the United Nations promotes International Volunteer Day, highlighting just how much better the world would be if more people volunteered to help solve the planet’s problems, whether that be economic or environmental. It’s a great opportunity to reflect and understand more about how you could volunteer in your local area, from helping wildlife to picking up litter.

When it comes to conservation, the team here at Bristol Aquarium are passionate about helping the future of the world’s waters and the animals that depend on them. To find out more about how we get involved in conservation and how you can help us, book your tickets and visit us!

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